There are many advantages of being a chess player.
Apart from high intelligence, fantastic sense of humour, humbleness and distorted outlook on reality, the main one is probably the amount of equipment you need to buy. In order to become a chess player, you need just two things – a chess clock and a chess set.
Perhaps not even that.
As we have elaborated in a previous post – in the 21st century, chess is accessible. Even without the chess set, you can go online, visit one of the popular chess websites, find a suitable opponent and become a typical blitz online player. There are strong players who learned to play via the Internet who don’t even own a chess set.
However, if you plan to play chess in the real world as well, you can’t manage without one. Many amateur tournaments run into difficulties because of the lack of chess sets (and chess clocks). The organizers often ask players to bring their own equipment. Having a chess set sometimes makes the difference between participating and kibitzing.
Also, owning a chess set allows you to call your friends and play chess in person. You are able to look them in the eye while you make a winning move. You are able to provoke them. You are able to taunt them. You are able to trash-talk them.
You are able to call them too weak and too slow.
Besides, is there a greater joy than the feel of a wooden piece between your fingers? Especially if your opponent has just blundered it?
In this article, we will mention factors we consider important when buying a chess set. Then, we will wrap things up with our own list of best chess sets.
Buying a chess set is a difficult task.
The first problem we encounter is the psychological phenomenon known as the paradox of choice. When confronted with an abundance of possibilities, we often decide against choosing any of them.
There is a dozen chess vendors nowadays, who offer thousands of possible piece-and-board configurations. It is often confusing to orientate yourself in this dense forest. There is so much to choose from that often we don’t know what to do, get irritated, give up and go solve tactics instead.
How should one go about choosing a chess set then? The best advice we can come up with is – it depends. When buying a chess set, we need to consider a number of factors. The decision is highly individual – factors someone considers important are completely irrelevant for others.
There is no straightforward answer to the question which chess set is best for you. In order to help you with the selection process, we have singled out some factors we consider crucial.
As expected, the number one factor is the depth of your wallet.
Ultimately it all revolves around money. If I may paraphrase J.R.R.Tolkien, money is the: „Master factor to rule them all“. As Scott W. Adams has beautifully described in one of his Dilbert comics, we chess players live in a „one-variable world.“
Every factor we mention later in this post depends on the price. Buying a chess set is a game of trade-offs between money and quality. In general, the more money you spend – the higher quality of the chess set you get.
There are two important caveats, though.
First of all, the positive correlation between money and quality is valid…but only up to a certain point. Buying a chess set can become an expensive sport. Past a certain threshold, you stop paying for quality and start paying for luxury. There are outrageously pricey chess sets out there which don’t offer anything substantial.
Secondly, the quality doesn’t always play an important role. Sometimes it makes sense to buy a chess set of a LOWER quality. It all depends on its purpose.
Before spending a huge amount of money on a chess set, you might consider what you want to do with it.
If you intend to compete in tournaments, functionality is more important than aesthetics. You might get standard tournament chess sets which are usually not that expensive – but which serve their purpose. On the other hand, if you need one to play friendly games at home, you are a chessboard collector or are looking for an ideal gift for a chess player, you might go for something fancier.
You might even prefer getting a customized chess set over a standard one.
In the 19th century, there was a great need for a standardized chess set with universally recognized pieces. In 1849, the so-called Staunton chess set, named after one of the strongest players of that time, Howard Staunton, was invented. To this day, it is a standard chess set used in chess tournaments.
However, apart from standardized chess sets, vendors offer a number of customized chess sets, with motifs from popular culture, history, mythology, etc. Customized chess sets are not practical – the pieces are sometimes difficult to recognize and the dimensions of the pieces often don’t match with the size of the board.
But, they ARE beautiful. If you are attached to a certain historical era or movie saga and you don’t need a chess set for tournament play, you might find them more attractive. That’s why, apart from the list of best tournament chess sets, we also assembled a list of best customized chess sets at the end of this article.
After dealing with the ‘philosophical’ aspect of buying a chess set, let us turn our attention to the physical characteristics of a chess set. The dimensions of a chess set are important. Especially if you are not purchasing your first chess set and are lacking space on your shelves. In general, the bigger the chess set, more practical (but also pricey) it is.
Like everything else, the relevance of dimensions tightly connected to the purpose. If you plan to participate in chess tournaments, a tiny pocket chess set is probably a terrible idea. On the other hand, if you are traveling by train, you probably won’t manage without one.
Unless you live in Russia the chess country.

Throughout the history, different raw materials, such as ebony, ivory and marble, have been used for the manufacture of chess sets. Today, plastic and wood are most commonly used for chess pieces, while plastic, wood and carton are used for chess boards. In FIDE chess tournaments, chess pieces should be made out of wood or plastic (or imitation of these materials). Chess boards should be wooden for elite events, and wooden, plastic or card for regular events.
(Source: Fide Handbook: Standards Of Chess Equipment)
In general, plastic chess sets are cheaper, but of lower quality. Wooden chess sets are more expensive, but more durable (and more beautiful). Choice of the material is once again a trade-off between the price and the quality.
There is also a fair number of chess sets made out of glass. Glass chess sets are not only useless in FIDE events, but in friendly games as well – the transparency of the pieces and the board makes it more difficult to keep track of what’s going on. Also, glass chess sets are very fragile and more expensive. The only real advantage is their beauty – glass chess sets are usually very artistic and ornamental. We would recommend them if you are a passionate collector who can afford it – for regular chess players they are not an optimal choice.
(You can read more about the manufacturing process of chess sets here)
Last, but not the least – the choice of chess vendor is important. The number of chess vendors is increasing on a daily basis and unfortunately, not all of them offer high-quality products. Although we are not against the open-mind policy, in general, big and old vendors are more reputable than small, unknown ones. In a niche saturated with competition, large companies have not remained large by coincidence. It is, thus, worth keeping in mind who are you buying from.
Some of the notable chess vendors are:
The biggest, oldest and most reputable name out there. The variety of their products is astonishing. and the quality is guaranteed. The price range of the products varies, but if you are on a tight budget, perhaps you want to consider other options.
Originally a small, Kansas-city chess company has become House of Staunton’s main competitor. It offers an even wider variety of products at somewhat more affordable prices. Although buying at House of Staunton is never wrong, Chess House seems like a decent alternative.
A third very big name, which seems to lag a bit in every aspect compared to House of Staunton and ChessHouse. The offer is not so wide, the prices are not so much cheaper and according to some reviews, the customer service is not as efficient.
A relatively new company, whose products are extremely affordable. Chessbazaar offers free shipping worldwide. A unique advantage in the world of chess vendors.
Another company with the similar philosophy as Chessbazaar. Wholesale Chess offers you a unique deal – a price match policy. If you find the same product elsewhere for a lower price, they will reduce their price to match it. Primarily for people on a tight budget.
This Polish-based chess company led by Grandmaster Jurij Zezulkin is the cheapest of them all for chess schools and clubs – it offers massive discounts when you order 10 or more products.
(Of course, there are other respectable vendors not mentioned on this list. We have covered only the most common ones. There is a number of smaller, local-oriented chess vendors, such as Spanish vendor Rechapados Ferrer, who offer high-quality products).
With the choice of vendor, we have covered all the important aspects of buying a chess set. Hopefully, the reader is now what he needs to pay attention and is able to answer the question: How to buy a chess set.
Before we jump to the final part of the article, let us share the advice of the legendary American Grandmaster Larry Evans:
Make sure the one you buy is easy on the eye, felt-based, and heavy (weighted). The men should be constructed so they don’t come apart. … The regulation board used by the U. S. Chess Federation is green and buff—never red and black. However, there are several good inlaid wood boards on the market. … Avoid cheap equipment. Chess offers a lifetime of enjoyment for just a few dollars well spent at the outset.
(Source: Larry Evans – Evans on chess)
In the remainder of the post, you will find our list of best chess tournament and customized chess sets.
We will start with the list of best tournament chess sets, which are in general more durable and more suitable for practical play.
Analysis Chess Set
Board Dimensions 34.925 x 34.925 cm
Square Dimensions 3.810 x 3.810 cm
Board Material Vinyl
King Height 6.35 cm
Piece Material Plastic
Price 5.95 $
House of Staunton’s analysis chess set is the basic and the most affordable chess set on the list. As its name suggests, it is suitable mainly for the analysis. It can be used to follow chess games, to read a chess book, or to teach children the basic rules. It can be used as a tournament chess set, although its dimensions and quality aren’t ideal for that purpose.
Regulation Tournament Chess Set
Board Dimensions 50.8 x 50.8 cm
Square Dimensions 5.70 x 5.70 cm
Board Material Vinyl
King Height 9.53 cm
Piece Material Plastic
Price 9.95 $
Another House of Staunton’s chess set, suitable for chess tournaments. In contrast to the analysis chess set mentioned above, regulation tournament chess set has a bigger board, bigger and heavier pieces and comes in different colours. If you are a regular tournament player, this set is a much better option.
It also comes with a small case or with a big case for your pieces.
Tournament No 5 Staunton Chess Set
Board Dimensions 48 x 48 cm
Square Dimensions 5 x 5 cm
Board Material Beech, Birch, Mahagony, Sycamore Wood
King Height 9 cm
Piece Material Hornbearn
Price 52.48 $
A wooden chess set, more suitable for travelling, playing and participating in tournaments than for keeping at home. Reviews vary from catastrophic to excellent. It is definitely not top-notch quality, but on the other hand, it is relatively affordable.
Kavi Black Inlaid Wood Chess Set
Board Dimensions 45.72 x 45.72 cm
Square Dimensions 4.50 x 4.50 cm
Board Material Inlaid Maple and Ebony Wood
King Height 8.89 cm
Piece Material Inlaid Maple and Ebony Wood
Price 109.98 $
A set by California retail company Best Chess Set, manufactured and assembled in China. Pieces are weighted and padded on the bottom to protect the board. If you are into a heightened board, this is a choice for you.
The House of Staunton Grandmaster Chess set
Board Dimensions 44.45 x 44.45 cm
Square Dimensions 4.50 x 4.50 cm
Board Material Ebonized Bookwood
King Height 8.26 cm
Piece Material Ebonized Bookwood
Price 188.89 $
Another gem by House of Staunton. A handcrafted wooden chess set of considerable quality which is not luxurious by any means, but still has considerable quality. By their own admission:
„We at the House of Staunton understand that not everyone can afford one of our luxury Chess sets, so we proudly offer the Grandmaster Series Chessmen for your consideration – A high-quality wooden Chessmen at a reasonable price!“
British Staunton Chess Set
Board Dimensions 54.61 x 54.61 cm
Square Dimensions 5.5 x 5.5 cm
Board Material Black Stained Wood and Ash Burl Veneer and Wood Materials
King Height 10.16 cm
Piece Material Ebony and Boxwood
Price 459.00 $
This beauty by the Spanish vendor Rechapados Ferrer attracted our attention mainly due to its visual quality. A perfect match between golden and dark colours creates a sharp and appealing contrast. The pieces and the board are hand-made and polished. Their dimensions are suitable both for tournament play and for keeping the board at home. The only drawback of this board is, as expected, somewhat higher price.
· The Burnt Zagreb ’59 Series Chess Set
Board Dimensions 57.15 x 57.15 cm
Square Dimensions 5.7 x 5.7 cm
Board Material Blackwood, Maple, Mahagony
King Height 9.84 cm
Piece Material Boxwood
Price 629.00 $
Considering I come from Croatia, I may be a little biased, but this chess set immediately attracted my attention. This hand-made set is an adaptation of the popular chess set used in Major International Tournaments in the 1950s, most notable World Championship Candidates Tournament in 1959, held in Bled, Zagreb and Belgrade (hence its name).
The pieces are extremely beautiful and the box that comes with the chess set is an extra touch. The set is a bit pricey, but the purchase is well worth the money.
The Savano Series Luxury Wood Chess Set
Board Dimensions 60.325 x 60.325 cm
Square Dimensions 6.4 x 6.4 cm
Board Material Elm Burl and Bird’s Eye Maple
King Height 9.84 cm
Piece Material Wood
Price 1399.00 $
Since any list would be incomplete without at least one Luxury Set, we have decided to feature House of Staunton Savano Luxury Set. This heavily weighted set is hand-crafted. It is visually beautiful, but also functional for practical play. It also comes with the box which contains a separate compartment for every piece.
The only drawback – the price. As the word luxury in its name suggests, Savano Chess Set requires the depth of the wallet. But for those who are able to afford it, it is well worth the price.
QuadPro Magnetic Travel Chess Set
Board Dimensions 25 x 24.79 cm
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material Plastic
King Height 4.98 cm
Piece Material Plastic
Price 10.94 $
The last two chess sets on the list of regular chess sets will be magnetic chess sets. The QuadPro Magnetic Chess Set is the cheaper option. Made out of high-quality plastic, it is a perfect choice to kill boredom during your trips. The reviews on Amazon are unanimously positive.
Wooden Magnetic Travel Chess Set
Board Dimensions 30.48 x 30.48 cm
Square Dimensions 3.15 x 3.15 cm
Board Material Wood
King Height 6.35 cm
Piece Material Wood
Price 79.95 $
Compared to QuadPro Magnetic set, Wooden Magnetic Travel Chess Set is better in all aspects. The board is bigger, the product is made of wood and the height of the pieces is greater. We are not completely sure eight times higher price is worth it, but if you are constantly travelling and playing chess, you might prefer quality over funds.
In general, customized chess sets are more suitable for collectors than players. They are usually made out of glass, not designed for practical play and usually slightly more pricey.
With that being said, we may conclude the article with a list of best customized chess sets.
Harry Potter Wizard Chess Set
Board Dimensions 47 x 47 cm
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material Plastic
King Height 11.5 cm
Piece Material Plastic
Price 45 $
If you remember how you used to wait for Harry Potter books to come out, if you cried when Harry finally kissed Cho Cheng or if you screamed when Ron sacrificed himself in order to let Harry and Hermione advance in the movies that butchered the book, this set is for you. A reconstruction of the wizard chess set featured in the Harry Potter saga is a must for every Harry Potter fan out there.
Batman Chess Set Dark Knight Vs Joker
Board Dimensions 18.5 x 18.5 cm
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material Cardboard
King Height 10.16 cm
Piece Material Plastic
Price 44.90 $
What would a list of chess sets be with at least one Batman Chess Set. And which villain is more iconic for the Batman Saga than the Joker, especially after Heath Ledger breathed him immortality in the Dark Knight.
This cartoon-like set is suitable for youngsters. It is officially authorized by the Warner Brothers. It is not ideal for playing, but it is ideal for teaching your kids how to play.
Oh, and have you checked the price?
Carribean Pirate Chess Set
Board Dimensions 29.845 x 29.845 cm
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material Glass
King Height N/A
Piece Material Resin
Price 114.99 $
If you are a fan of CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, you might consider this glass Caribbean Pirate Chess Set. I will have to disappoint you – it does not contain a piece of Mr. Sparrow himself. But it does contain 32 distinctive pieces – 16 Carribean Pirates and 16 British Royal Navy Officers – you are able to put in separate compartments the set comes up with.
The price is acceptable as well.
Egyptian Chess Set
Board Dimensions 55.88 x 55.88 cm ( 36.5125 x 36.5125 cm playing area)
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material Glass
King Height 7.62 cm
Piece Material Polystone
Price 168.00 $
From the distant Carribean, let’s switch to Ancient Egypt. This Egyptian Chess set is arguably the best buy on this list. It is visually remarkable. The board is decorated with four golden Sphinxes in the corners and with Scarabs and Hieroglyphics within squares. The price is not too high and the set is very durable. The only drawback is the height of the pieces.
Renaissance Knight Chess Set
Board Dimensions 38.1 x 38.1 cm
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material Glass
King Height 5.08 cm
Piece Material Pewter
Price 216.49 $
In the same price range as the Egyptian chess set, the Renaissance chess set is another beautiful chess set ideal for history aficionados. With durable pewter pieces evoking the spirit of the Renaissance, it is guaranteed to attract views from the guests in your house.
Greek Roman Mythology God Chess Set
Board Dimensions 38.1 x 38.1 cm
Square Dimensions 4.76 cm
Board Material Wood
King Height 9.68 cm
Piece Material Solid Resin
Price 199.95 $
If you prefer the mythology over the history (even though these areas often overlap), perhaps you might consider buying Greek Roman Mythological chess set instead. If you ever wanted to lead Zeus into battle or capture the enemy Hera, this is an ideal choice for you.
Dragon Chess Set
Board Dimensions 34.29 x 34.29 cm
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material Glass
King Height 6.98 cm
Piece Material Pewter
Price 199.99 $
If you were always jealous of Daenerys Targaryen because she was Mother of Dragons or if you loved Spyro the Dragon Saga, now you have the opportunity to set that injustice straight. This beautiful Dragon Chess Set features 32 pewter pieces shaped in form of different dragons. Reviews suggest this set is not durable or suitable for practical play, which is expected, since it is made out of glass. However, it is an incredibly beautiful and unique chess set.
Roman Gladiators Chess Set
Board Dimensions 34.29 x 34.29 cm (40.64 x 40.64 cm is whole arena)
Square Dimensions 3.81 x 3.81 cm
Board Material Glass
King Height 6.98 cm
Piece Material Resin
Price 249.87 $
Another historical chess set is probably the best rated set on this list, with 94% 5-star reviews of Amazon, this gladiator chess sets made out of glass depicts Roman Gladiators in the Coliseum. Its base is a resin replica of the ancient amphitheatre and the board is made out of glass. A must have for any history buff and Roman Era devotee.
The Lord Of The Rings Collector Chess Set
Board Dimensions 38.1 x 38.1 cm
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material Glass
King Height N/A
Piece Material Pewter
Price 495.00 $
What would a list of chess set be without everybody’s favourite – the Lord Of The Rings. And what a chess set it is. Officially authorized by Warner Brothers, it contains 32 pieces which are precise miniature sculptures of the actual cast members, an ancient map of Middle Earth below the playing surface and the whole board resembles the city of Minas Tirith.
Of course, these benefits come with a sufficient amount of zeros. The Lord Of The Rings chess set is the second most expensive set on the customized chess sets list.
Gotham City Batman Chess Set
Board Dimensions 50.8 x 50.8 cm (playing surface)
Square Dimensions N/A
Board Material N/A
King Height 12.7 cm
Piece Material N/A
Price 1,119.00 $
Allow us to conclude this article with another chess set featuring a hero without superpowers – the Gotham City Batman chess set. This luxury chess set features Batman’s friends like Robin and Catwoman, but also his enemies like the Joker or Mr. Penguin. It is illuminated with 50 LED lights which circle the playing area. Buildings of the Gotham City can be found in four corners.
Of course, the price is an issue, but if you are as rich as Bruce Wayne, you won’t make a mistake if you go for it.