Ognjen Cvitan Birthday

In 1981, he won the World Junior Championship.

In 1987, he was awarded the GM title.

In 1992 he won the individual gold medal in the Manilla Olympiad.

Throughout the 80s and 90s, he has won numerous first places in various chess tournaments.

A noted blitz player and a great theoretician.

Even after reaching 60 years of age, he hasn’t slowed down. He is still a fairly active tournament player, but also a very renowned chess coach, which is very much responsible for chess renaissance that is currently happening in Rijeka, Croatia.

Everyone who has played at least one chess tournament in Croatia had the opportunity to see his undisputed love to chess and his dedication to the game he has been playing for decades.

I admit that I have criticized him occasionally due to many quick draws he played in recent years in Croatian Closed Championships. I still stand by those words, but the intention was by no means to belittle everything he accomplished during his magnificent career.

Happy birthday, Ognjen Cvitan!

(If you like posts as these, check our complete list of Chess Birthdays )

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