As the reader might recall, in 1993, after Kasparov and Short decided to break away from FIDE, the chief organization responded by an organization of a separate World Championship cycle (Karpov – Timman FIDE World…
FIDE World Championship 2002
In the period between 1998 – 2004, FIDE determined its own champion with the help of a knockout tournament. FIDE World Championship 2002 was no exception. The Prague agreement and the unification of the title…
FIDE World Championship 2000
After staging the World Chess Championship in 1998 and in 1999 in the form of the Knockout Tournament, in 2000 FIDE continued with the annual organization of this event and kept the format intact. FIDE…
Chess tactics 104
Chess tactics 104 The example is taken from book written by Yochanan Afek- Extreme Chess Tactics
Kasparov – Kramnik World Championship 2000
After the successful defence of his title against Anand 1995, the Classical World Champion Garry Kasparov had trouble organizing his next match. Intel Corporation refused to renew its sponsorship of the PCA (Professional Chess Association)…
Endgame Strategy – Book review
INTRODUCTION Many great trainers say you should start learning chess from endgames. There are many reasons why that is correct, most important being endgames are the perfect setup for learning and improving deep and accurate…
FIDE World Championship Tournament 1999
After Anatoly Karpov won yet another World Championship title in 1998, FIDE continued to organize its World Championship Cycle in the form of the Knockout Tournament. The next edition was scheduled in 1999. The tournament…
Chess tactics 103
Chess tactics 103 The example is taken from book written by Yochanan Afek- Extreme Chess Tactics
Chess tactics 102
Chess tactics 102 The example is taken from book written by Yochanan Afek- Extreme Chess Tactics
Chess tactics 101
Chess tactics 101 The example is taken from game between IM Ozren Biti and GM Davor Rogic in Croatian 1. A league 2018.
Best Chess Sets – The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Chess Set
A CHESS SET? There are many advantages of being a chess player. Apart from high intelligence, fantastic sense of humour, humbleness and distorted outlook on reality, the main one is probably the amount of equipment…
Chess tactics 100
Chess tactics 100 The example is taken from book written by Yochanan Afek- Extreme Chess Tactics